Our February meeting moved back to the traditional spot at The Village Cafe. Our meeting coincided with the launch for Insite Magazine's February issue launch, so we benefitted from a big crowd and live music (ABMC also got a shout out from Kristy when Jon won a door prize).
The band playing was Raspa, a local reggae-rock group, and their whiskered members were shoe-ins as automatic members.
Hanging with Raspa |
We learned Rummy on the fly in order to make use of these awesome Gentlemen 52 playing cards.
John Louis promised to send card rules ahead of the next meeting so we can all brush up.
The Gentlemen 52 Playing Cards |
Because the December meeting was so popular, and we have had interest in more frequent meetings, we decided to try having informal meet-up opportunities through the month:
1st Thursday - Village Cafe
2nd Tuesday - Carney's
3rd Wednesday - Harvey Washbanger's
4th (or last) Friday - Blackwater Draw
(We also made an informal visit to Revolution after the meeting, maybe this can be a regular thing?...gotta spread the love).
Thanks to everyone who showed up! See you next time!